Sunday, March 15, 2009

Know What Causes Your Hemroids to Get Rid of Hemroids pt. 1

What exactly are the causes of hemroids and what can you do to get rid of hemroids? Well, we've all heard that straining on the toilet is a major cause of hemroids, but why is this?

Well, ultimately, pressure and stress on your hemorrhoidal vein inside your rectum results in either an external or internal hemorrhoid. So, straining on the toilet and sitting down in general applies pressure to the hemorrhoidal vein which can result in a hemroid or pain if you already have one. So limit your toilet time to 2-4 minutes, leave the magazine or newspaper, and try not to sit down as much.

However, read my Miracle H review to find out how to get rid of your hemroids for good within 2 days!

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